Funny Birthday Quotes and Messages

Birthday is very special day for everyone whether it is your friend or family member. Celebrating birthday with fun and enjoyment is the main thing that all try to have. To make it more fun and full of enjoyment, you can have some funny birthday quotes and funny birthday messages which you can send or share on facebook with your friend and family on their birthday occasion. These funny birthday quotes are good to be shared with everyone around you. We have collected some of the best funny birthday quotes which you use for wishing and greeting on birthday wishes.

Funny Birthday Quotes and Messages

funny birthday quotes and messages
                                                                                       funny birthday quotes and messages

May my friend on this special day be able to set all the jealous people on fire and use the flame to burn the candles and blow them off with a happy smile, a very happy and amazing day to you.

If it’s your birthday, then you better dress for the occasion. Wear your birthday suit. Just kidding, your suit is probably too wrinkled. Happy birthday! At our age, I don’t know why people expect us to remember their birthdays. On a good day, we’re lucky if we even remember where our car keys are!

People often compare birthdays with boogers. Because, with the increase of its number, people find breathing harder. You know how most people, on your birthday, tell you, “My goodness, you never seem to age.” Well, I’m not one of them. Happy birthday, old fart!

Happy birthday. I guess we’ve reached the age when every compliment we get is typically accompanied by “for someone your age.” Sure, getting older is like a time travel movie in slow motion…but better slow than fast, I always say! I’m in no rush to get to the end of the film. Happy birthday!

Also read: Happy Birthday wishes for friend

funny birthday quotes messages and images
funny birthday quotes messages and images

Also read: Happy Birthday Wishes Images

Hey, can you blow out all these candles by yourself or should I call our local fire department to help you in this regard. Jack Benny said, “Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” But in your case, I think it matters; it matters a LOT!

Whoever said that time waits for no man, but stands still for a woman of 30, is an idiot. No woman in her right mind would admit to turning 30. Happy 29th birthday! May your birthday be filled with many happy hours and your life with many happy birthdays. Wishing you a day that is as special in every way as you are.

The first mark of aging appears when you start forgetting things. In your case, there are no such problems. You have transcended all the hassles. There are plenty of years that I can remember for those history classes in our schools. But, the bad news is I can’t remember your birth date as it wasn’t on our course. May be I’m late, but happy birthday.

It is good to know that someone likes you, they think about you, they need you.. But it feels so better when you know that someone remember your birthday. Yes – I do.